Golf grip size is an often overlooked factor for many golfers when they are getting their clubs fit.
Having the correct grip size can help with accuracy, comfort, and even help alleviate some chronic issues like arthritis.
Golf Grip Sizing Guide
Choosing the right size grip is part measurement and part getting the right feel. These are some guidelines for choosing the right size to get you started, but there’s nothing wrong with going up or down a size depending on your individual needs.
Grip Sizes
Golf grip sizes are relatively simple, they come in Junior/Undersized, Standard, Midsize, and Jumbo/Oversize.
All of the grip sizes are based off the standard grip. The undersize or junior grips are 1/64-inch smaller than standard grips. Midsize grips are 1/16-inch larger than standard. Jumbo grips are 1/8-inch larger than standard. While there may be some slight variations between manufacturers, these are relatively standard measurements among the most popular grip companies.
If you need any size in between these measurements, you can add tape underneath the grip to thicken it slightly.
Measuring For The Correct Grip Size

The easiest way to determine the best place to start with grip size is by measuring your hands.
You take the measurement from the crease of your wrist to the tip of your middle finger.
- Undersize/Junior – less than 7 inches
- Standard – 7 inches to 8 3/4 inches
- Midsize – 8 1/4 inches to 9 1/4 inches
- Oversize/Jumbo – longer than 9 1/4 inches
You probably noticed that there is some overlap in the above guidelines. That is because measuring for grip size is not an exact science. Even if you fit right in the middle of one of these measurements, it is always a good idea to try one size smaller and one size larger.
Another way to estimate your ideal grip size is by basing it off of your glove size. This is more of a rough estimate than measuring but it can be helpful if you are in a golf store and can’t find a tape measure. Just try on some golf gloves!
- Men’s Small, Women’s Medium or Small, or Youth Players – Undersized Grip
- Men’s Medium, Women’s Large – Standard Size Grip
- Men’s Large – Midsize Size Grip
- Men’s Extra Large – Jumbo/Oversized Grip
Once you have the correct grip size based on hand measurement, you’re probably good to go, but you can fine-tune things even more if you want.
Golf Grips Sizing Chart
Some players like to fine-tune their grip size by adding layers of tape under the grip. This can be helpful if you feel like you might be most comfortable between two grip sizes.
If you’re not sure where to start, then take the measurement I talked about above (we’ll call that measurement #1 and also measure the length of just your middle finger (that will be measurement #2).
Then you can use the sizing chart below.
(Note: 1 Tape Wrap just means the adhesive tape that holds the grip on…you can’t have zero)
Measurement #1 | Measurement #2 | Grip Size | Tape Wraps |
5 3/4″ – 6 1/2″ | 2″ – 3″ | Undersize/Junior | 1 |
3″ – 4″ | Undersize/Junior | 2 | |
4″ and over | Undersize/Junior | 3 | |
6 1/2″ – 7″ | 2″ – 3″ | Undersize/Junior | 2 |
3″ – 4″ | Undersize/Junior | 4 | |
4″ and over | Standard | 1 | |
7″ – 7 3/4″ | 2″ – 3″ | Standard | 1 |
3″ – 4″ | Standard | 2 | |
4″ and over | Standard | 3 | |
7 3/4″ – 8 1/4″ | 2″ – 3″ | Standard | 2 |
3″ – 4″ | Standard | 3 | |
4″ and over | Midsize | 1 | |
8 1/4″ – 8 3/4″ | 2″ – 3″ | Standard | 3 |
3″ – 4″ | Standard | 4 | |
4″ and over | Midsize | 1 | |
8 3/4″ – 9 1/4″ | 2″ – 3″ | Midsize | 1 |
3″ – 4″ | Midsize | 2 | |
4″ and over | Midsize | 4 | |
9 1/4″ and over | 2″ – 3″ | Midsize | 2 |
3″ – 4″ | Jumbo | 1 | |
4″ and over | Jumbo | 2 |
Choosing New Grips
If you are looking to regrip your clubs, I highly recommend these grips. They are the ones I use on my clubs and perform great in terms of grip and durability.
CLICK HERE to get them in a set of 10.
It’s important to change your grips on a regular basis, old grips lose their tackiness and can have some bad effects on your game.
Better players will, over time, experiment with slight variations of the grip size by putting layers of tape under the grip for either a better feel or sometimes even to have an effect on the ball-flight of their shots.
But if you are just getting started or play to an average handicap level, then worry more about your swing mechanics than slight variations in grip thickness.
But if you want to learn more about the effects grip size can have on your shots then keep reading.
Effects Of Grip Size On Your Shots
Changing your grip size can have some effect on your shots. These effects can be used to help fix some common swing faults, but if you are not aware of these effects, you may be hurting your score by having the wrong size grip.
A smaller grip can encourage more active hands during the swing. The usual effect of this is to promote a draw. That sounds great, right? Everyone loves a good draw on their shot, especially with the driver. But if you already tend to play a draw, a smaller grip may end up turning it into the more severe hook, which can be impossible to control.
Most higher handicap golfers tend to have too much hand movement (and frequently it is the wrong kind of hand movement), so generally speaking, having grips that are too small is not a great idea for most. Smaller grips also tend to promote a tighter grip which can have a negative effect on swing speed as well.
Larger grips have the opposite effect, promoting less hand action through the swing. This can promote a fade if you are already swinging well, but can also exaggerate a slice.
Adding to all of this, having a grip size that does not fit your hand well can cause inconsistency. Being consistent is much more important than promoting a draw or fade, so keep that in mind before making any grip size changes.
The caveat to all of this is that it applies mostly to a swing that is already technically sound. Changing the grip size is going to have small effects on a good swing and can be used to fine-tune an already repeatable swing.
But it will not cure any significant swing faults. It’s always a good idea to consult an instructor to work on more significant swing issues. Shots that consistently fade or hook can also be a result of a too flat or upright lie angle.
Grips For Alleviating Arthritis (Or Other Pain)*
For those of you out there that are dealing with arthritis or other pain-related chronic conditions, there are grips out there that can make the game a little less painful. Generally speaking, these grips are on the larger size, softer than most grips, and usually have a tackier surface.
CLICK HERE for a complete set of arthritic golf grips (including everything you need to change them yourself).
Or you can CLICK HERE for a 9 piece bundle of only the grips that you can take to your local club-fitter to have installed.
Larger, softer, and tackier grips allow you to keep a hold of the club without exerting as much pressure on the club. Even though these may not be technically the correct size for your measurements, they can relieve some stress on your hands. By allowing you to grip lighter, you are not putting as much pressure on your joints in the hands. Over the course of 18 holes, this slight reduction can make a big difference.
*DISCLAIMER: If you are experiencing any pain or similar symptoms in your hands, you should consult a doctor before engaging in any activity like golf. I am not a doctor. I’m just sharing this information in hopes that I can help some of you enjoy the game a little more.
Common Grip Size Questions
What happens if a grip is too big?
A grip that is too big will prevent you from properly gripping the club with a comfortable grip pressure that allows you to have optimal control over the clubhead through the swing. This leads to poor play.
In general larger grips will tend to minimize the action of the hands through impact, which can be beneficial to players that tend to hook the ball. However, too large and you will find yourself unable to properly grip the club at all, resulting in inconsistent grip pressure and an inconsistent swing.
Are bigger golf grips better?
Not necessarily. Golf grips need to be properly sized to fit your hand. You can use small variations in the size of the grip to promote a fade or a draw, but this is something usually reserved for very skilled players. The average golfer should simply use a grip that fits their hand size correctly.
What’s the difference between standard and midsize golf grips?
Midsize grips are one size larger than standard grips. The vast majority of players fall within one of these two golf grip size categories. You can measure the size of your hand from the base to the fingertip of your middle finger and then consult the sizing chart listed here.
I’m lost with all the different opinions some say it’s okay some say it’s not some say works good some say don’t work so I guess I got a bit of this a gentleman that says that it does work and it’s easier on your hands you have a later grips which I’m sure would help any golfer and was sad to let you go